Friday 4 December 2015

Best Magazine

If you've ever been around someone who leaves you feeling exhausted and drained, you have probably encountered an emotional vampire. These people don't drain your blood, but they do drain your vital energy. Emotional vampires can be found anywhere. Your best friend, coworker, or a stranger in the airport may be an energy-sucking fiend, and you may not even realize it. Read Ignite Magazine for FreeingYourself of Emotional Vampires, it is the best Magazine for you.

Are You An Emotional Vampire?

Here at Ignite Magazine a quick quiz for you to take. Answer the following questions. Be as honest as possible: 

Do you feel that people often don’t understand you or your problems?
Do you feel that there are many barriers in your life which you have no control over?
Do you often ask for help from others and/or feel like few people are willing to help you?
Do you feel like you often don’t receive the attention or appreciation that you deserve?
Do people often complain that you don’t listen to them, when in fact, you feel like they don’t listen to you?
Do you feel like most other people have lives that are much easier than yours?
Do you fight with close friends and loved ones often?
If so, is it usually their fault?

Do people suddenly drop contact with you with no explanation and refuse to communicate with you again?

Do you often feel helpless, like you have little opportunity to improve your life?
If you answered yes to more than half of the questions above, then please read this post carefully. It could very well be the first step to turning all of the above problems around. Parts of this article may not be easy to read. But I implore you to keep an open mind and take it seriously.

If you did answer yes to at least half of the above questions, chances are you are an emotional vampire. Don’t take that the wrong way, it’s not your fault. It just means you’ve been hurt in the past. And as a result, you inadvertently hurt those around you, who in return, push you away and hurt you further. It’s a vicious cycle. But you can’t help it, because you aren’t even aware of it.

Emotional vampires are called emotional vampires because they have a tendency to drain the emotional energy out of everyone they come in contact with. They’re exhausting. They need constant attention. They always have some crisis or major life event. They’re experts at eliciting emotional reactions out of others and then feeding off those emotions, regardless of whether they’re positive emotions or negative emotions. All emotional vampires suffer from low self-esteem, but not all people with low self-esteem are emotional vampires. Low self-esteem comes in a number of flavors and manifests itself differently from person to person, and emotional vampires are people with a specific subset of self-esteem issues. Emotional vampires exhibit three specific traits simultaneously: an excessive need for validation/attention from others, the belief that little to nothing that occurs is their fault, and the lack of self-awareness to recognize their self-defeating patterns. Ignite Magazine is the best magazine for Freeing Yourself of Emotional Vampires. IgNITE Magazine will ignite the mind, body, soul and spirit by providing unique articles sure to get your fire started and to provide the light for your journey to total wellness. Ignite Magazine also provides tips and advice for women, with focus on health, fitness, weight loss, depression, nutrition, sex and relationships, emotional well-being, beauty and style. It offers a variety of health, fitness, and diet articles for men and women. For more information visit the site

Tuesday 24 November 2015

Treating depression

If you feel sad for weeks on end, find yourself low on energy or motivation, or no longer enjoy doing things that used to interest you; you might be experiencing depression. It’s not necessarily about feeling sad. Depression is often a numb feeling rather than sadness. Often it’s not something you can control or just get over like the ‘blues’. Depression can be a serious issue, but there’s treatment available that can help you feel better.
Causes of depression can include factors such as personality, family history, drug and alcohol abuse as well as life events or traumatic experiences. There are a number of different types of depression, with distinct symptoms and causes. This means that there are different treatments for different types of depression. If you or someone you know might be suffering depression, there’s a lot of help available.
Depression disorder is both highly treatable medical illnesses. Unfortunately many people do not get the help they need because of misunderstanding the issues surrounding the illnesses or the fear associated with stigma. The following information can help you learn more about the signs and symptoms of mood disorders so that you can get the help you need for yourself or a loved one. Treatment for depression usually involves a combination of medicines, talking therapies and self-help. The type of treatment your doctor recommends will be based on the type of depression you have. When you're feeling anxious or stressed, At Ignite Magazine our strategies will help you cope. IgNITE Magazine will ignite the mind, body, soul and spirit by providing unique articles sure to get your fire started and to provide the light for your journey to total wellness. Ignite-magazine is not just a magazine it’s a movement. For more information visit the site .

Monday 23 November 2015

Symptoms & Types

Do you know the common depression symptoms? Do you know about different types of depression? At IgniteMagazine learn more about depression so you can talk openly with your doctor. Find out the warning signs of more serious depression problems so you can prevent depression complications.

Raising Healthy, Active Kids

The dramatic rise in childhood obesity is one of the most serious health problems facing our country today. Reversing this trend starts with healthier habits at home. But parents can't do it alone. Many schools also play a role by serving unhealthy foods and cutting back on physical education and recess. Food & Fitness Matter provides parents the information and support they need to make changes at home and in their local schools. Whether you want to raise superstar athletes or just emphasize the importance of physical fitness in order to raise healthy, active kids, it’s never too late to get started on a family fitness journey.

There’s never been a better time to get active with your family. If you’re looking to change your children’s current lifestyle and make healthier choices, then Ignite Magazine has great tips that may help you get or stay on a path to raising healthy, active kids. An active lifestyle is a great family goal that can be achieved with a few creative changes.

If you have children that reliant on modern technology such as computers, video games, and tablets, you might face a full-blown rebellion if you try to swap gadgets for family fitness time. Instead, you can embrace modern technology and ease into an active lifestyle with fitness games and challenges. There are many dance, fitness and activity games available that combine technology with simple tasks to help entertain kids into getting active. This tip shouldn’t take away from traditional outdoor activities, but it’s a step in the right direction.

Children get so many ideas of what think they can do. Your child may see photos in the media of other kids lifting heavy weights. In reality, it’s not a good idea for children to be doing heavy lifting. There are differing opinions on the correct age that children should start lifting weights, and it’s a decision that should be discussed with your child’s physician. 

Improving strength doesn't have to mean lifting weights. Although some kids benefit from weightlifting, it should be done under the supervision of an experienced adult. Most kids don't need a weight-training program to be strong. Push-ups, stomach crunches, pull-ups, and other exercises help tone and strengthen muscles. Kids also use strength activities during play when they climb, do a handstand, or wrestle.

Stretching exercises help improve flexibility, allowing muscles and joints to bend and move easily through their full range of motion. Kids get chances every day to stretch when reach for a toy just out of reach, practice a split, or do a cartwheel. Ignite Magazine is the best magazine for Raising Healthy Fit Kids and it is most beneficial for people which suffering from weakness, you can take benefit of this magazine. Through this Ignite Magazine you connecting yoga to your Soul and overcome from depression. Ignite Magazine has many things you can do in your daily life to achieve overall wellness like Yoga is amazing for your overall health. It helps you build strength, coordination, and flexibility while calming your mind.  For more information visit the site .