Depression is two of the most
common mental health concerns in our society. They are often experienced as a
complex set of emotional and functional challenges. The science of mind-body medicine helps us
understand the ongoing connection between the mind and body and see how anxiety
and depression may be triggered by a variety of factors. These can include
nutritional, psychological, physical, emotional, environmental, social, and
spiritual factors, as well as genetic tendencies or brain disease. While we
often hear about a biochemical cause, meaning that certain chemicals in the
brain called neurotransmitters are out of balance, it is not clear if the level
of neurotransmitters is the actual cause of anxiety and depression, or simply a
symptom that a person is anxious or depressed.
Depression is not the same, but
they often occur together. It is not uncommon for people with depression to
experience anxiety and people with anxiety to become depressed. There is also
overlap in some of the treatments, so it is beneficial to learn about both
Depression is a common disorder,
affecting over 350 million people worldwide. It is a disabling condition that
adversely affects a person's family, work, or school life; sleeping and eating
habits; and general health. In the United States, the incidence of depression
has increased every year in the past century, and now, according to the Centers
for Disease Control, one out of ten people report experiencing a depressive
episode. Depression is typically
characterized by low energy and mood, low self-esteem, and loss of interest or
pleasure in normally enjoyable activities. At Ignite Magazine,
learn about how depression affects daily life and differs from the causes of
depression are not fully understood but are likely to be. Not only are women
more prone to depression than men, but the causes of female depression and even
the pattern of symptoms are often different. Goal of Ignite Magazine is to help
parents raise their children into happy successful adults. It is the Emotional
Magazine that provides information about depression fight. For more information visit the site